Nothing for Now in Southbury
1284 Strongtown Rd., Southbury, CT 06488
A Spacious, Elegant Ballroom in a Beautiful Hotel
Sorry... We were not able to schedule any events at Wyndham Hotel. We hope to return soon.
Get Directions to Wyndham Hotel
1284 Strongtown Rd., Southbury, CT 06488
From I-84 E or W:Take Exit 16; turn right off exit onto Rte. 188 N, ¼ mile on right.
From Bridgeport:8 N to Exit 22. Left off exit, then first left onto Rte. 67. Go 6¾ miles; turn right at light onto Rte. 188 N. 2.4 miles on right.
Rte. 63 (Amity Rd.) N, left on Rte.67. Go 11¼ miles; turn right at light on Rte. 188 N.2.4 miles on right.